
Showing posts from March, 2012

Deep-Voiced Men Have Lower Sperm Counts, Study Says

Ovarian Cancer ended 'Her' dream of being a bride, 90 minutes to walking down the aisle

Punishment for skipping school to play computer games: Getting chained to a tree

Young couple, addicted to online games, starved baby to death

Urine Iron Man Wins Art Competition

A diet of Pizza for 8 years

Tips to help you get through the heat

Phantom Hearse B12

A Diet of Nuggets

My Ambition...."To be the Fattest woman in the world"

Dancing Puppets

The real intention (The truth about Life and Love)


Retail Therapy

The Nelson Mandela Digital Archive Project

Symeon Davros Carnegie Freemanstein...the richest man in the world or #NaWash

Inyanya's Kukere Video: My Opinion

Kenya Stikes Oil

Fly Dominion Air...It just might be your flight to heaven

Inspiration...thanks to Will Smith

Fire in Wuse 2

...and one day, Man will Fly like and Eagle

iBlend and Grotto Fashion Club present...

Suggest a Caption for the Photo

At the Risk of being called a couger........

D'Banj Oliver Video...My Opinion

Wande Coal...Private Trips Video: My Opinion

Just for many of these twists can your lips make?

Do you agree?

Photo of the Week

Don G entertainments presents...

"I'm ready to make a generous donation"...DavidO

Rihana may like this school

A hip operation that makes you laugh histerically at everything...real or not?

The hair makes all the difference

St Patrick's Day

Vimbai at kiss...BBA war still raging