Tobe Nneji

Hi. My name is Tobe Nneji. I am a Nigerian media personality, content developer, writer and speaker. I became a radio household name with the monicker, TobeDaDiva, across south eastern Nigeria from 2012 while I was at work with Dream FM, Enugu as the Programs Manager and Creator/Presenter of the award winning Midday Express. In 2014 I won the award for Outstanding Radio Program Presenter at the Nigerian Broadcasters’ merit awards. I have been the front- liner for most of Madiva Concepts PR jobs and have fostered personal relationships with several clients.

As a media brand, I have worked with several brands to deepen their brand value and reach including Nokia, Gulder, Airtel etc and have hosted red carpets and events for several clients including the Annabel Institute, Gulder Ultimate Search, Club Ultimate, Amstel Malta Showtime etc.

As a content developer and creative director, I have created and co-created radio shows and events including The Midday Express, The New Woman Radio Show, the 808 event series and the 4th Decade Documentary. I was the Creative Content Director with Delphino Entertainment, a new age events and entertainment company in Abuja, Nigeria. Currently, I own and run Purple Phoenix Productions and serve as the Media and Communications Advisor on the Board of Youths Of West Africa NGO.

I love to travel, read, write, speak and cook. I am in the phase of discovering my interest in photography and acting, as well as expanding my passion for spirituality, gender and sexuality based dialogue.

This blog is a compilation of things that interest me and things that I hope make an impact to my blog audience...inspiration, guiding thoughts, music, poetry, prose, interviews, random musings and most especially my Vlogs and Podcasts. I am very passionate about personal development, broadcast communications, gender dialogue and redefining the misconceptions of feminism.

If you would like me to work with you in deepening your brand online and in person, host your event/red carpet, moderate your conference, work with you on content/ideas development for your brand/buisness or to facilitate at your workshop, please send an email to 

You can follow me on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter on @IAmTobeNneji

Thank you for stopping by. :)

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