Young couple, addicted to online games, starved baby to death
Doesn't that caption just annoy you? How do parents get so engrossed in gaming that they starve their baby to death?
Taiwan media reported the case of a young couple addicted to online games, who would rather spend their monthly salary on online games than their one-year-old daughter’s milk powder. The little baby was starved to death because of malnutrition, when her parents only fed her porridge. She weighed three kilograms. In the end, the young couple was brought to justice.
The 23-year-old husband and 22-year-old wife had a girl the year before last, but the girl died after one year. At that time, the doctors were very shocked when they saw the skinny baby. According to the investigation, the young couple was addicted to online games and spent at least five or six hours a day on computer games. In addition to rent and living expenses, most of their money was spent on network costs and they were reluctant to buy their daughter’s powder.
According to the invoices, they had bought a jar of milk when their girl was nine months old and the next one came 3 months after. On February 23th, the couple found their daughter dead, while they were gaming. The local judge sentenced the young couple to five years and four months in prison for their negligence which led to the baby's death.

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Taiwan media reported the case of a young couple addicted to online games, who would rather spend their monthly salary on online games than their one-year-old daughter’s milk powder. The little baby was starved to death because of malnutrition, when her parents only fed her porridge. She weighed three kilograms. In the end, the young couple was brought to justice.
The 23-year-old husband and 22-year-old wife had a girl the year before last, but the girl died after one year. At that time, the doctors were very shocked when they saw the skinny baby. According to the investigation, the young couple was addicted to online games and spent at least five or six hours a day on computer games. In addition to rent and living expenses, most of their money was spent on network costs and they were reluctant to buy their daughter’s powder.
According to the invoices, they had bought a jar of milk when their girl was nine months old and the next one came 3 months after. On February 23th, the couple found their daughter dead, while they were gaming. The local judge sentenced the young couple to five years and four months in prison for their negligence which led to the baby's death.
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These people need to be flogged real good and left under this hot Nigerian sun for 3days without food n water. How careless can people be??? Ha!! God help us o!!!