Risky Trends: The "Charlie Charlie" game/challenge - Why I will not partake

1st, I have to say that it is more than a tad bit troubling, how so may different things have become 'challenges' since the advent of social media...planking, ice bucket, 20 things about me and just today, the 'Charlie Charlie Challenge'. I noticed it on Don Jazzy's instagram page (he sha is always among the first to catch on to these trends...fab guy) and so I went online to do some digging.

So the Charlie Charlie Pencil Game is a traditional Mexican ritual akin to using a Ouija board to contact spirits. I read 10 sites about this game and they all used the word 'spirit'...some used 'paranormal' and one used 'voodoo'. From what I read, the original version of the game (also called 6 pencils) is played with 6 pencils and the way the pencils move determine the answer you have got....you can read more here and here. 

Since yesterday, the version that's trending on social media is the "new and improved, easier-to-understand-responce'' version. (I guess the Charlie spirit didn't want to be misunderstood by anyone). On instagram I have seen posts that called the game a manifestation of evil, with people trying their hands on spirit communication.

To be honest, the 'Game' has got me holding on to my bible and in case you were wondering, I will NOT be playing it. Why? Ok...

1. I have never felt the need to communicate with a spirit, let alone that of a dead boy. Right now, in my life, I am trying to open up my heart to God some more...I don't need the voice (or signs from) a dead boy clogging that path.

2. You should read the second link above....did you read the experience of the writer? I am too damn black to read that and still go ahead to try.

3. A lot of the videos I have seen on instagram end with the players screaming and running off...in my head, games are meant to make you laugh and be giddy so why will I play one that makes me scream?

4. I already do not like to hang around people who I have to thread carefully with...if being with you makes me feel like I have to walk on eggshells all the time, then I will pack my load and go. So now, explain to me why I would want to play a 'game' in which I have to be careful not to annoy a spirit? 

5. Like I said in the 1st reason, I am trying to fix my relationship with God and going by several indications in the Bible, let me just say I choose to be careful what trends I follow.

I will not encourage you to try out the challenge...neither do I want to know if you do or not (unfortunately, I do not know how to me mature and open minded about some matters).


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