Technology's little helpers: The Period Tracker App

Sorry guys...this one is mostly for the ladies. But hey, who says you can't learn a thing or two and share with that special someone? :)

In 2014 I discovered this mobile application called 'Period Tracker'. At first, I was like 'why on earth would I want to keep logs of my periods and ovulation when it is not as if I am trying to get pregnant' but being me (and I like to play around and experiment with new things), I downloaded it and started to log.

Coincidentally, I discovered the app around the time I had a health scare and somehow started to use the app to log my period, monitor my body changes based on my cycle and I even experimented with diets to see how it would affect my cycle.

(I hope this is not TMI but) I have the most irregular cycle I have ever seen...some months it is 28 days and others it is 36 days...I have had a 24 day cycle (yes, 2 periods in one month) and a 52 day cycle (and no, I wasn't worried that I was pregnant because I did not 'commit'). Before I started to monitor myself with Period Tracker, I took this cycle fluctuations for granted and just took the periods as they came but now, I am starting to learn of the things that affect my cycle...things as little as the frequency with which I drink water.

I could go on and on about how helpful I have found this app (and may end up telling you way too may personal but I think maybe, you should try it out for yourself.

You can read more about it here and by the way, it is free on all operating platforms (Android, IOS, Windows) and all you have to do is back up the logs to your gmail or live account and when ever you swap phones, all your logs will be intact. 

So ladies, don't say I never shared a little 'life-help-secrets' with you *wink*


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