Behind the spectacles: The Formidable Come-Back

I was watching E! some time back and they showed the Rihanna red carpet recap and suddenly, the moment she said what was on one of her tattoos became a moment of epiphany for me. It made so much sense to me and completely resonated with me.

    "Never a failure, always a blessing"

We all  make things we regret and are ashamed of and things we wish we could erase from our history. The period of time for which we carry this weight and desire to re-write our history eventually represents for us, a down time that we may or may not allow show. Some of us have mastered the art of smiling through our pain while others wear their hurt on their sleeves.

As different as our faces and smiles, we all have different processes of getting through the down time...for some the way is to wallow in the pain and shrivel, for others it is to fein pride and fake confidence till they get confidence; for others still, it is to explain, appeal and find respite in other people. There are so many ways of getting through and the truth is that the process doesn't matter. In this case, I dare say that the end justifies the means. 

It doesn't matter that your shame makes you cover your face; It doesn't matter that you have cried many tears and imagined the peace that death might bring you...all that doesn't matter. What matters though, is that you realise, before it is too late, that every experience (good or bad) is a lesson; learn it. And then, armed with that know knowledge, take the next bold step in the story of your life, towards your destiny.

It is not about the weight of your mistakes, it is about the weight of your comeback.

So here is to you for a formidable is to you for not bucking under the weight of your mistakes *Cheers*


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