The trouble with Feminism: A single case of a rather crazy female
Yesterday, my best friend brought my attention to a story that seems to have made the rounds in UK online space in february. It is the story of a 'Feminist' blogger who wrote on her blog, saying that she aboted her pregnancy because she found out the baby was male. She said she had been through so much with men and didn't want to bring a man into the world. You can read the story here
I found it rather disgusting, because, in my opinion, it is acts like this (and women like this) that make the word 'feminist' so hard for people to digest.
About 2 years ago, if you had asked me 'Tobe, are you a feminist", I would say a big 'YES' without skipping a breath. However, right now, my response is "It depends on your definition of the word".
A lot of people have misconceived the term 'Feminist' to be akin with being a man hater. Unfortunately, this misconception seems like it is even more amongst females than amongst people of the other sexes (this is me, considering humans like Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner or those who were born Hermaphrodites). If the sex, after which the term was created, do not understand what it means to be feminist, how then do we expect the other sexes to understand and join in the movement.
Feminism in itself is akin to equal rights and opportunity...and this is to ALL sexes. (As much as I am still having trouble wrapping my head around the transexual community, if I call myself a feminist, I have to respect their rights). Feminism to me, means that I must regard every person I encounter as a human being 1st, before I consider their sex, sexual inclination, religious affiliations, tribe, race or anything else by which society has taught us to define human beings.
Abortion, in itself is arguable on basis of several morals, religions dictates and societal codes but abortion in the name of feminism and based solely on discrimination of the foetus' sex is all levels of wrong, selfish, in-humane and irrational.
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