15 minutes in front of a full length mirror

"I'm pregnant"

Those were words she had hoped to never hear, let alone, speak...but here she was, speaking them to her reflection in the mirror, speakin them over and over, tryin to master the perfect expression to go with the news...

"I'm pregnant"

She screamed at her reflection...she made goofy faces...she imagined her reflection was her mother; the lady in d mirror threw a slap, she moved quickly to dodge d hit; the lady in the mirror threw a punch, she bent with the speed of lightening and scuttered off; the lady in the mirror followed, kicking, scratching, cursing...all d kicks and scratches were dodged nicely, but the cursing words stung.

She thought to herself "and this is just my reflection playing the part"

"I'm pregnant"

Who would she tell first? Would anyone protect her from the other? All those night when he came into her room and had his way, she never said a thing...at a point, she even started to let herself enjoy it...now that she was in a fix, who would she talk to, what would she say?? 

"I'm pregnant"

She remembered the 1st time...almost a year ago...she saw him come into the room...it wasn't the first time he would come into her room in the middle of the night...but this time, it was different. He came naked.
Her mother was not in town, so it wasn't difficult for him to walk from his room to hers with no cloths on.
She had closed her eyes, wishing it all away...she didn't want to admit it then, but she knew what was coming.
She had closed her eyes, willing it, that if he found her fast asleep, he would go away.
She had closed her eyes.

Then she opened them, and he was gone from the doorway...but he was still there...she could feel him...behind her, at the other side of the room...she didn't dare turn around.
She closed her eyes again, willing it all away

He lay by her and touched her lightly. She stayed still.

His touch became stronger. She stiffened.

He turned her around roughly and pinned her to the bed...she whispered, "pls don't".
He put his lips on hers and when she didn't open her mouth, he squeezed her neck till she did. She sobbed. She knew there was no need begging...it was going to happen anyway...her only regret at that time was that she hadn't let Deji, her handsome boyfriend who had promised to marry her, be the first...she hadn't let him, even after he begged. And here she was, having it taken from her by force.

As she now stared at her reflection in the mirror, she saw a tear drop fall...she didn't feel it, but she saw it fall from her left eye.

"I'm pregnant"

That first night, he had used protection...perhaps he wasn't sure she was a virgin and perhaps didn't want to get any diseases frm her. But after that night, there was no more protection...any night he visited her, he would come as he was.

There was even that night when her mother was in the house...that was the only night he didn't come to her nude.

She screamed now.
She screamed loud and long.
She screamed.

"I'm pregnant"
"I'm dead"

The door opened. Her mother walked in...so did the father of her unborn child...her father.


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