All Bad Drivers are Women!
WARNING: This Might Come Off As A Feminist Rant...I don't care.
So, I was being driven around by a lady; it was me in the back seat, a guy riding beside me, a guy riding short gun and the female driver. We were looking out the window, trying to find the way into a mall and figured we had to drive around an intersection to get to the entrance. As we made that move, we noticed another that was driving between lanes and moving at an awkward speed that indicated the driver was probably distracted by a phone or something. The lady driving my ride said "What is this woman doing? Why is she driving like that?" The man said "Women always mess around on the roads." I said, "Are you sure it's a woman? I hope she doesn't have a baby on board"
We caught up with the car in a few minutes and drove past to make our right turn. I looked over and saw it was a man...a middle age looking man.
Now I could have let it go and let the ride continue in silence but you know how it is when something you feel strongly about just comes and sets up in front of you. I mean, I really was minding my own business but this lady and this guy had to make statements that I consider chauvinistic. For a long time I have found it distastasteful how bad driving is almost always related to women, when the sex of the driver is unknown. Like seriously?
The Brain-Eye-Hand-Leg coordination that driving requires has NOTHING to do with sex. It's one thing if there is a very busty female who's blossom grips the steering wheel along with her hands or something ridiculous like that. It is even more annoying when a woman is the one who sets off the chauvinistic ball and says something as distasteful as that.

Next time you see a lousy driver in front of you, cuss at them (even though they can't hear you) if that's what rocks your boat and enter a long conversation about how there are bad drivers in this world...but by all means, do not say or think anything that remotely resembles equating bad driving to being female (especially if I am in the car with you).
Some people can't drive...not men, not women; PEOPLE.
the association of bad driving with women isn't unfounded, it came about from series of testimonies from those who've had encounters(including me). the difference in ratio between good women drivers and the bad ones is quiet astronomical. bad driving been accrued to women is like saying all witches are from benin or that all anambra rich men are money ritualists or that a group of guys having a drink in a circle at a bar are all cultists, it shouldn't be a big deal, its a pattern of thought people get rid of with exposure