Deep-Voiced Men Have Lower Sperm Counts, Study Says
As I write this post, I have Barry White in mind.
Multiple studies have found that women usually favor masculine features, such as prominent jaws, high muscle mass, and low-pitched voices.
The theory is that these traits signal a high-quality mate—for instance, it's been proposed that masculine men generally have more robust amounts of sperm.
But the new research revealed that, while deep voices are attractive to women, low-pitched men actually tended to have lower concentrations of sperm in their ejaculate.
Like I said, I have Barry White in mind. He had nine children by four different women...which obviously means that he had good enough sperm. Do you agree with this research? Share your opinion please.

But the new research revealed that, while deep voices are attractive to women, low-pitched men actually tended to have lower concentrations of sperm in their ejaculate.
Like I said, I have Barry White in mind. He had nine children by four different women...which obviously means that he had good enough sperm. Do you agree with this research? Share your opinion please.
Every research is only true to its research sample. If the sample happens to be a true reflection of the whole human race then the research is credible. Bearing that in mind I'll have to say this research does not seem in-touch with the norms. Barry white might be an exception to the findings as it happens in order areas of research or the research sample might have been consisting of many variants to the norms or just a mere coincidence.