I got trained...yipee
After one week on the new News Department Job (oh, and for the record, that's why you haven't been hearing me on air except during the news and naijalysis), I got a chance to partake in the a US Embassy sponsored advanced training for news editors, journalists and camera men. It was a really great experience.
The 2nd best part of it all was that, apart from Victor Njoku of Beat FM, Lagos, I was the only one from a new age.youth focused radio station.
The best part was that I was the youngest person there and I made quite an impression-with looks and brains (I know what i got na...hehehe).
It lasted for a whole week at Valencia Hotel, Wuse 2, with 2 meals and tea break daily...I say, big ups to the US embassy and to boss lady, Kaneng Rwang Pam for hooking me up.
More pictures after the cut

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