My Other Blog: Post of Sunday 7th March, 2011
Have you ever felt like you really out did yourself?…like u absolutely crossed the line and there really is no hope for you?…do u ever say to yourself ‘God won’t ever forgive me for this one’ or ‘What’s the point in praying, I’m nothing but a hopeless sinner’.??
A good number of us reach that point sometimes…lemme tell you what really happens at this point:
The devil just messes with you so bad that u feel like there’s no hope for you…and that makes u sin more and makes the devil mess with you more….and the cycle goes on and on…and you get so caught up in the web of darkness that the ray of light of redemption grows smaller and smaller.
But, the light never fades…it always finds a little space in the web to shine through…you just have to open your eyes and see it.
From my catechism days (I mentioned once that I’m unashamedly catholic) not believing that our Almighty Father can and will forgive us if we are genuinely sorry for our shortcomings is really, the biggest sin of all…its called the sin against the Holy Spirit.
We all know that “there is nothing God cannot do” (except, perhaps, tell a lie-don’t quote me
Its all up to you…are you now tired of being weighed down? I know I am…
So, let’s make it a point this new week to ‘settle the matter’ with our Lord. Nothing you have ever done is too big a deal…there is nothing our God has never seen before.
Let us forgive ourselves for our shortcomings and then show ourselves to our Lord, with a genuine heart. I promise you, he will heal you and make you new.
Remember…Faith is really what we are made of.
Have some Faith-Trust and Obey!
Have a blessed Sunday and a great week ahead.
Dt was really inspiring,tobe.I feel uplifted.thanks 4 dt reminder