What to Wear on a Rainy Day
For us in the federal capital, Abuja, it's almost as if we have a rain every night. The nights are cold (the litter of children in the next few months will be unrivalled *hehehe*). Deciding what to wear is pretty difficult for some people (myself included) because you want to look good and at the same time not ruin you attire (especially your shoes) while staying warm enough all day long.
So here are my tips:
1. Have a sweater in your office. Something in basic colour (and be prepared to take it home at the weekend to get it cleaned so you don't start to be the office piglet)
2. Try spotting a corporate look most days of the week (even if you are in an industry like mine where you can wear a tank top and shorts with sneakers to work). The idea is that wearing a long sleeve shirt will probably keep you warmer than a sleeveless tank top.
3. Thankfully, rubber foot wear have flooded the market for female fashion. Invest in a few pairs in basic colors and a few bright colors.
4. Having an umbrella somewhere around you is a given...you do not need me to tell you that.
5. If you do not like to feel cold like me, find time to sort out your cloths and favour the long sleeves when pairing your outfits.
6. If like me, you hate to wash, then by all means, put away all your cloths that flow past your ankle.
That's it from me but I went online and found this article that may just be helpful to you
Rainy Day Fashion Tips
Add color. Don’t be scared to wear something bright and fun on a rainy day. Bad weather can be depressing, so why not go out of your way to wear something non-depressing and cute?
A cute umbrella can be an accessory. There are so many adorable and cheap umbrellas available so there’s really no excuse to stick to basic black. Buy a couple in your favorite colors if you live in a really rainy area and use them to add color to your look.
Don’t spend a lot on an umbrella. If you’re anything like me, you’ve lost more umbrellas than you care to remember. That’s why you should never spend much on them. Even if you aren’t prone to misplacing them, umbrellas still aren’t investment pieces – you don’t use them every day!
Be careful of the materials you wear in rain. I’m sure you probably know this already, but just in case… Suede is off-limits in rain because water usually ruins it, and leather that hasn’t been treated with a protectant can easily be damaged by water as well. Don’t risk ruining your clothes – go with rubber, pleather, or protectant-treated leather shoes in rain and leave your favorite suede handbag at home.
At the same time, don’t worry too much about a 100% waterproof jacket. If you plan ahead and have your umbrella on hand, your jacket won’t get wet enough for waterproofing to matter.
Go crazy when it comes to rain boots. There are so many cute rain boots out there today to fit any sense of style – they literally come in every color under the sun. Have fun and find a pair you love! Much like umbrellas, you can go completely nuts with your rain boots and no one will mind.
culled from http://www.collegefashion.net/fashion-tips/what-to-wear-on-a-rainy-day/
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