A brand new experience: The longest drive yet
Today (a few hours ago actually), I did something for the first time...as a matter of fact, I did two things for the first time, simultaneously; I went to Agbani and I drove myself. That is the longest distance I have driven within Enugu. There was traffic and it took almost an hour to get from Opara Avenue to ESUT, Agbani.
I didn't know Agbani was so far so when the President of Environmental Science faculty came to pick me up, I just asked him to drive in front of me. At a point on the trip, when we got to the express road and I realised I wasn't going to some place around the corner, I started to mentally beat myself for not getting into his car and letting him drive me...I was thinking in my head "Imagine what mummy will say if you tell her you are driving to Agbani." "Isn't Agbani were mummy and daddy lived as a newly wed couple over 40 years ago?" "Damn Tobe, you are actually on a highway...can you move fast enough?"
After I got on the express and drove for a few minutes, I kinna got comfortable and I actually drove faster than I ever have and escaped all the potholes. I felt empowered and relieved when we made it to the school.
What is it about driving that makes a person though feel empowered?
Today, I felt so strong and sure footed that I feel I can really do anything I set my mind to, even the things that start up by accident.
Have you had a new empowering experience you want to share? Go right ahead and talk about it in the comment section.
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