Mechanised Habits: The case of riding shot-gun

Yesterday, my trusted cabby, Basil, gave me a ride to the station on which I was to present a morning talk show. It had been a while since Basil gave me a ride...I had taken to driving myself daily.

While we were moving and chatting, as we approached a traffic light, Basil said "Tobe what are doing? Are you trying to match brake spiritually?" At that moment, I realised that my right foot had moved to the left and was tipped forward, like I was stepping on the brakes of a car.

We had a good laugh for several minutes and joked about how easily the things that we do daily become habits, second nature or mechanised functions. Later, yesterday, I wondered about other things that my body did without prompting that were as a result of consistent acts. For instance, unless I happen to be completely buzzed or super exhausted, I am always up between 5.20am and 5.40am. That is as a result of waking up to do the morning show in Abuja (Kiss FM) and Enugu (Dream FM) for over 2 years at a stretch. I also do not drink water while I am eating, unless of course the chef made the food with the sole intention to burn my throat with pepper. This is as a result of being made to eat food first as a child (I was one of those that used to try to fill up my belly with water and then, would not eat. They started serving me just food and water was the reward for eating).

Armed with this new realisation (well, honestly, this is something I have always known but the way it came yesterday was kinna like an, I have decided to try and do 5 things daily and see what I see...

1. Do my version of Yoga stretches. I say my version because I can't be bothered to learn all the conventional stretches and poses. I will just do what works me out.
2. Drink water. I guess, my learning not to drink water while eating affected my ability to drink water generally.
3. Use sunscreen. Kaka Offish told me that using sunscreen will help me get my old lighter skin tone back in a few weeks....well, that's motivation right there if I needed any
4. Wear my waist trainer to sleep. I know I will be too uncomfortable wearing it the whole day while running around so, I think I should take Vanny's advice and sleep in it. (And yes, I need to waist train biko. It is unheard of that a female my size will now have a waist of has to reduce biko)
5. Put up at least one post per day on the blog.

Let's call it the #New5Challenge. 

What would be your #New5Challenge?


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  2. 1.Read at least one chapter of a book before I sleep.
    2. Read your blog and a random article/topic.
    3. Apply my hand cream.
    4. Write.
    5. Listen to the radio.


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