Flash Fiction by Tiencepay - BLOW YOUR FUCKING NOSE and other things my father says
Dad used swear words at home all the time.
“put on your fucking shoe”
“blow your fucking nose”
Sometimes, he even came up with words that never existed like “kakambistadikoko” and some words did not need meanings.
Each time dad said kakambistadikoko, it meant “get away from here you little stupid thing”
I was learning how not to be a father.
I was a young girl whose beauty was in the disorderliness of things around her. I was careless and I liked things in disarray. I liked to not get puzzle right and I liked to solve mathematical problems as if the teachers were the problem.
And so, some days dad would call me bastard and on such days I couldn’t help thinking I was born in the wrong place.
Dad would explain how bastard was not an abuse and how it only meant that I did not remember the home I came from.
Tears came down my eyes and catarrh out my nose and both mixed up flowing into my mouth and dad looked at me and screamed “will you get a rag and blow your fucking nose?”
I stepped into the corridor to get a rag like he said, and I heard him scream again, “and make sure you dry that your fucking eyes”
On such days, I wanted to be the daughter of someone else, of a rich man somewhere that did not have time to even know if his daughter had come of age. But dad, he knew everything, down to period dates and how many pads were used in a day. And woe betides me if my blood forget to watch the calendar.
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