A girl's Very First Time!

This is the tale of a girl's first time...
('First time what?' you may ask. Well, here is an answer; go figure!)

She was 16
Fresh outta secondary school...ready to take on the world.
(and Oh!, might I add that she had studied within the college for Queens in the giddy metropolis)

So, like I said, she WAS ready to take on the world.

She had heard so much...I mean literarily HEARD so much
She had seen a number on TV, through the key hole, through a window...she had seen quite a number.

Armed with her 3rd party experience, her wild crazy imaginations, her expectations, a bottle of red wine and most importantly, her 20 year old 'mate', she set out for her 'Very First Time'.

She had heard it would hurt; so she figured a few swigs of red wine (the kind that's good for the heart) would help number the pain...so a few swigs she took...and then another few swigs...and she was good to go.

He touched his lips to hers (not for the first time)...she loved the taste of tobacco his breathe (or so she thought...at least that's what the ladies in the mills and boons books said all the time).
He moved his hands all over her body and she started to countdown to the moment when her cloths would magically come off her...alas that magic never came!
But the cloths did get off. She stopped his hands, got up and took them all off (she figured the books didn't document that part right).

He's hands begun to wonder again...(She was sure he wld perform the 'one hand' trick and unclasp her bra without her knowing...afterall, he was a 20 year old in d university...he must know the skill)...he's hands wondered still, and luckily (or so she thought) found her wet crutch just b4 she started to worry about him.

His fingers skillfully slipped thru the band and found her little wet place...he's fingers went all d way (oh, his fingers had ALL d skill)
She wasn't inclined to, but den she remembered the sounds she had heard b4 and started to echo dem...uh uh uh ah uh mmm ah...every single one she could remember...she kept at it, till he said "but I've stopped na!" and she realised that the sound only went with the 'in-the-wet-place-action' (how silly)

All dis while, her bra was still safely claspped on her back...she still anticipated the 'one hand' move...

So, he resumed...with his hands...and then she noticed he was down to his under pants...she didn't know when or how that happened (she guessed that was the one 'magic' thing in the whole deal)...
Then her panties were riding low (she knew exactly how that happened but would rather not...so she made her mind forget)...she then wondered if her bra was gonna stay claspped all through...but she didn't dare ask (she just couldn't let words spoil the 'magic')

He's hands wondered to the bra clasp (this is it)...they moved over to the small of her back (ah..damn!)...they moved to her belly and hips and up again to the bra line (o, this IS it)...they caressed the mounds on her chest (tiny little mounds)...they moved to her face and then down to the bra clasp (this is definately it).

Yes, it was it, but it took him 10 seconds to realise he needed her to turn around and when she turned, it took another 3 seconds to get if off (so much for the magic moment)

She remembered the phrase she had read: 'his rock solid hardness'; and another: 'ram rod stiffness' and she reached out to know for sure...

Uh uh uh uh uh

She knew it wasn't her making the sounds (she had forgotten about them)...she knew there was no tape playing (or was there?...definately not!)...it was so close...and den she realised it was him.

Ah ah arrrrrggggghhhh

And just like dat, she felt the 'spit of the stiff snake'
He had a weird look on his face...den he smiled and lay on his back.
She called his name. He's eyes fluttered...the smile stayed on his lip...the 'spit' stayed on her hand.
She looked on...watched the once stiff snake retreat and turn to a minuscle knob.
She called his name...he snored.

She whiped her hands on his pants. Gulped down the rest of her wine. Got dressed. And walked home.

So ends the tale of a girl's very first time.


  1. She's 16 and drinking alcohol? Sex is not the only thing she shouldn't be doing. She's a real bad girl and needs to be grounded.

    As for the boy...shame shame shame. However, he's just 20 and he will, could, maybe still grow to be a stallion.

    Still, premature ejaculation is not as bad as underage drinking. Or is it?

    1. Teddy, you are the first person, since I first wrote this piece almost 8 years ago, who has identified these hidden messages. Oh wow..I'm so glad.

      by the way, you are right, underage drinking should be worse of on the scale of 'bad things'

    2. for a second, it sounded like james hardly chase telling the tale, nice one... as you rightly pointed out this acts were influenced by years of influx of similar act from media outlets and relationship with friends and other people. it can only be reduced when parent realize that much as they try to hide such aspects of life from teenagers, they get more acquainted with them elsewhere and therefore make a move to first of all feed them with possible outcome of such acts beyond every reasonable doubt.

  2. there are worst acts i have read of teenagers being involved like a 13 year old running a prostitution ring with support of his mother and 17 year old brother, its a matter of what we allow to creep in...

    1. Oh wow. That's horrid. I guess some mothers have different tenants for what a good mother should be.

  3. It was her first time, does that mean she's a harlot? Let's say she has people she looks up to. Perhaps her elder siblings. That's talking about the alcohol addiction too. Am just so sorry for the poor girl. She's not yet familiar with the adage that 'sweet things kill as much as they taste'


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