Behind The Spectacles: Contextual Definitions

Packaging: A term used to describe the glitz and color that draws our attention to items, people and places

Content: The true value got from these items, people and places, after the packages has been taken off

Failure: In this context, having valuable content without the glitz and color to get the attention needed to sell it. Your value wastes away

Woeful failure: in this context, having no content of value, but investing time and money in creating a deceptive package. You get the attention but when no value comes from it, you are tossed aside like a diseased limb.

Success: In this context, the skilful balance of package and content. You get the attention and over deliver and let your work speak for you. You put in the right amount of glitz and color to the value you have to offer and consistently grow your value because then, and only then, can your package grow without your effort.

I hope these my contextual definitions drive home the point I intend to make...packaging must come with content value AND content value must be put in the right package or else, it is all a waste.


  1. Very true, your definition is accepted, but then you've got skill with value within you, you have intention of making a difference. Packaging you Valuable is now a challenge, what then do you do?

    1. thanks Nancy. What to do is learn the tricks.

  2. Packaging may not always be necessary when such products are for specified class of people who knows the content and wouldn't mind the packaging.

    1. Magma...everything on earth comes in a package. the package draws first appeal.

  3. ...where is my 'like' button?!
    Couldn't agree more
    Success = content + packaging.



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