Dear Diary: Last Night I Slept...

Last night, I slept in the middle of the bed. I moved the pillows around, made myself comfortable in the middle, put my human size teddy beside me and cuddled him and closed my eyes. 

To you, this is not a big deal...but for me, in that moment, I owned myself.

As far back as I can remember, I have always slept on the side of the bed; usually the left side but sometimes the right side, if my love interest at that moment preferred the left. No matter how big the bed was, I always slept on the side of bed, close to the edge.

As I drifted off to sleep last night, I smiled a deep, warm, heart lifting smile. I knew I had come one more step closer to finding myself. 

You may wonder how my position on a bed could mean so much. Well, when you've spent a long time being to afraid to stand firm and occupy your own space in life and having that be reflected in how little a space you take up on your bed, you would appreciate the liberation that comes from finally owning your truth, taking a stand and being comfortable in your space.


  1. Wow, precise and soul piercing..

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